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Orthodontic Training Typodont:
Product name: Wax embankment correction practice model
Product specification: length 126mm×width 103mm×height 81mm
Product material: The jaw frame is a black metal jaw frame specially used for technicians to arrange teeth. The wax embankment model is made of pure natural beeswax, a unique formula of birch tree insect wax and a perfect combination of 1:1 full-mouth simulation resin isolated teeth
Product Features:
Function 1. It is used for the installation practice of brackets and arch wires, which can be practiced repeatedly (note that the glue needs to be cleaned when it is used for multiple times)
Function 2. It is used for the demonstration of orthodontic malocclusion into standard occlusion. It can objectively present the whole process of correction. It is mainly used for training and teaching and communication between dentists and patients.

Description of the practical method:

1. Use a hair dryer to evenly heat the wax embankment at a room temperature of 15°C to 25°C. During the heating process, rotate the entire model slowly to make the wax embankment evenly heated (Note: Do not force the hair dryer directly on the model with strong hot air) Heating) can also use a plastic bag with warm water at about 40 degrees to heat up
2. After the wax embankment is evenly heated, the teeth can be observed to move slowly. In order to increase the correction effect, the number of stretched rubber rings can be increased
3. After the correction is completed, remove the arch wire, heat up the model according to the operation during correction, and manually restore the teeth to the malocclusion state for the next correction.
4. The wax embankment model is refined from a special formula in the factory. According to customer feedback, the number of repeated uses is about 12 times. The operator needs to operate according to the requirements. Improper operation will reduce the number of times the wax embankment is used.
5. When not in use, the product needs to be wrapped in plastic wrap, and placed in a dark indoor environment of 10-30 degrees to avoid collision and extrusion
6. Wax embankment products can provide malocclusion according to Angle’s classification of 10 categories, and can also arrange teeth according to the real pictures of customers’ patients

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